Becky's Random Thoughts

This is my place to vent and share. I have been told to journal thoughts and feelings--so here they are.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Update long time in coming

Can't believe it has been so long since I last blogged here. Cayla's blog is much more current. But since this is my random thought page I guess I should post here too.

Cayla's surgery went great and she is doing very well. I am so pleased and grateful for the progess. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

John did not come for surgery. He "respected my wishes" and avoided confrontation at the same time. I guess he truly just doesn't want me to be part of his life. Kinda hard when we share kids. We have spoken a couple of times and it was fine, but then it goes right back to bad again. I get upset and people think I am crazy or still stuck on him. More like I just want to be treated with respect and be told the truth.

Mary--his girlfriend--called me yesterday. Upset because I called her a whore. Okay I was wrong to call her a whore, but she had no call to cuss me out and make me so upset. I would have just blown off the comment and gone on, but for some reason she had to call and start yelling at me. Very upsetting for me. I really hate John and Mary now. Even more than I did when Cayla had trouble after surgery. I have tried to forgive and forget, but I can't so I will just go on. Hopefully before I die I will find forgiveness for them.

I am not going to contact him anymore and will not allow contact between he and the kids until they ask to have it. I know that will probably come back to haunt me, but for now it is for the best. Should he ever be in town on his court ordered day to visit, I will have to allow a visit. But I don't have to go out of my way to let him know how things are going. Mary says I am holding the kids over him. I told her I am not keeping the kids from him, he did that by moving to New York. She said he loves the kids. But I say a man who loves his kids doesn't abandon them. She also said he hates me and loves her. Well that is all well and good, he said he loved me once too.

I think I am ready to date, but I can't imagine kissing or having sex with someone new. Boy is it a scary world. I went to the club last night and it was horrible. I hated it. I made myself stay for an hour and a half. No one even looked at me twice, just don't have it anymore I guess. It just reinforced for me that I am more than likely going to be alone forever. At least I have the kids, but when they get older they will probably want to be with John and then I will be totally alone. Oh well. If that is the life God intends for me to have, that is the life I will have.

I am praying to meet a great guy. But God is going to have to literally hit me in the head and say there he is. I have a profile on my space, but really don't think anything will come of it. I need to meet someone in person and have them be totally awesome before I will go out with them. I prayed about it the other night, but the prayer sounded just like John. The sad thing is Mary said she has what she wanted her whole life, and it is what I wanted too. She stole from me. He stole from me. Okay okay enough with them.

I like my job. The days go fast. I am glad for that. I was worried about it.

Well gotta run, Cayla is napping on my bed and starting to stir. I need to get she and the other two down for the night. I am tired today. Staying out until midnight is not my thing!! Too old I guess.


Blogger Madame Angela Baggett said...

Please don't be picturing yourself old and alone, that your kids will leave you for John. Don't even talk like that!! You deserve better than haunting yourself with morbid thoughts or saying mean things overyourself. Of course I haven't been through anything you've been through and I don't pretend to understand at all, but I think it will help to take all those negative thoughts and dreams of your future and dump them in the garbage where they belong. God has good plans over you and your life. Keep seeking Him and putting Him first. It says He has made all things beautiful in it's time. That is what I'll say over you. Even the ugly he can turn to beauty. You should check out her story reminds me of yours a little, maybe you two can talk through things. I think she lives in Sweetwater too. Hope that helps. love you.

5:49 PM  

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