Becky's Random Thoughts

This is my place to vent and share. I have been told to journal thoughts and feelings--so here they are.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A whole new world

Since my last post I have left the safe secure Christian environment of ACU and moved to a whole new world. This week it hit me that I am "not in Kansas anymore." Don't get me wrong, the new place is not a bad place, it is just different.

I really like my new co-workers, but I don't know everyone's name. I haven't figured out who to ignore when they are gripping and who to listen to. I like my new supervisor, but haven't quite figured him out. So it has been an interesting week of trying to get used to a new place and new people. So far everyone has been very friendly.

The first day there were two people celebrating birthdays and they had food to celebrate. That made me feel right at home. The library did the same thing. They take breaks at 10 and 3, same as the library. But my supervisor made a comment about the 3 o'clock breakers, so I don't think I will go on too many breaks.

I still don't know exactly what I am doing because my supervisor has been out most of the week. I have a power point presentation I am working on, and on Monday I get to go shopping!! I am on a banquet committee and I think that will be fun.

Okay enough of work, now for personal stuff. John is not coming for surgery, unless he is sneaking into to town. I had asked him not to come for personal reasons, and he said he wouldn't. But then I thought he really should be here for the kids so I asked that he come. I haven't heard back. So I think he won't be here. That is fine it is better if he continues to distance himself. He said he is happier than ever, so I guess the kids really didn't mean anything to him.

I am getting anxious about the surgery. Have had a couple of moments where I wanted to not go through with it, but I guess we will. Cayla will go into surgery around 7 or so on Wed. morning. Updates will be posted on her

Zane is turning 4 on Monday and we are having his party tomorrow. Today I have to go to an ACU b-day party--the school is 100. I also have to get my house clean. So I guess I best log off and get to it.


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