Cayla Update
Cayla is 12 days old today. She is doing great, but keeping me awake at night. I am hoping to settle into a routine this week. Zane needs to get back on schedule too.
It has been an emotional roller coaster ride around here. With all Cayla's problems, then a clean bill of health, her coming home day was hard on me emotionally. It was hard on John too as he was so scared for her. He has been getting radiation treatments, but finished yesterday. The treatments made him very sick the night of Cayla's birth. I felt really bad for him. I asked him if we could try one more time before calling it quits for good and he said no. I was an emotional wreck and so was he. He didn't get to drive us home--thank goodness for Aunt Sissa. But he did come to see her a couple of times.
Now for the big shocker. John's girlfriend took a job in New York and John left with her yesterday. He didn't even tell anyone he was going. He just dropped off his pickup at my house, filled with all of Zane's stuff. He didn't tell anyone good bye. I am still in a state of disbelief that he left the kids. I had asked him about Mary leaving on Thursday and if he was going with her. He never said yes. I was quite devestated to learn he is gone for good. If i had known it was the last time I would see him, I would have taken a picture for Cayla's baby book. Zane doesn't understand. I am still very sad.
Zane woke up with pink eye today, Cayla is fussy and John is gone. How horrible is that? Happy Easter to us, huh? On the upside, Cayla went to church for the first time today. I actually made it through the service. That was the first time since January that I was able to attend church. I have to rely on God for everything now. I think what upsets me so much is that John abandoned the kids and I will be alone forever. I miss having a companion. But must concentrate on the kids. Please pray for my family. Pray for John too, as he is out of his mind. He didn't even tell his boss he was leaving.
More later.